Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Another Sweet Baby Quick On The Way!!!

Okay so maybe the second time around I will be much better at this blog thing! For those of you who don't know, we are expecting another baby in April! I am 6 weeks and 1 day today. We are ecstatic about it! I am so anxious to meet our next lil bundle of joy! I have loved every minute of being a mommy to Kye and can't wait to share my love with another sweet lil one! I know Kye is going to be a great big brother. I have always said that I wanted my kids to be very close in age growing up, but didn't think it would actually happen that way. However, God knew it in His plans, and its going to be very special!
I am actually due on May 3rd but the doc said with it being a planned section, he will take the baby at 39 weeks which will actually be April 26th! Things are going to be really busy for us in the next 8 months or so since we are going to shoot for having our house built before the baby arrives!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Okay so I am a terrible blogger. I love taking pictures and writing but the computer part of it throughs me for a loop! Well I am officially caught up with the pictures I have of Kye. Now to catch you up on his LIFE! I will just make it short and sweet!! He is almost 10 months now. My oh my has this last year flown by! He is the love of my life. Healthy, sweet, and not to say the cutest baby boy ever! I can't describe the love that I have for him and it only grows stronger each and every day I have with him. God has definitely blessed me with him.
He has grown up so fast. He is starting to take a few steps on his own so I know he will be walking any day now. He is very talkative and hates to sleep! I have just decided that sleep is OVERRATED! He hates baby food and is a picky eater at the moment. Last week I couldn't get him to eat anything but macaroni and cheese! I am sure he will be burnt out of that soon. Then what to do?!?